September 06, 2009

Who More Noble?

So last time I said octopus are so noble can die.
Guess what?
I found another more noble animal, and it lives underwater as well.


Yeap! These fishes are delicious and noble.
Their main objective in life ever since birth, is to mate.
Well, survive and then mate.

So every year they swim like a thousand kilometres to their breeding ground which is somethere shallow and warm.
On the way, they meet salmon sharks.

Well, judging by their name,
they obviously eat salmon.

The Humpback Whale.
This whale has a hump on its back.
And eats salmon too.

And brown bears!
As you can see in the picture,
yes it is eating salmon!

So those salmon that survived the ambush by all 3 predators,
then proceed to mate upstream =.=
After they mate, they suddenly realise.
Hey you know what, I swam so far, went through so much danger!
I'm tired. Its time to die.
And proceed to die. =_________=

So they die because they want to like,
create a new generation of salmon.
Noble or not?

Thus, this is the end of the story of Samuel the Salmon and his wife Sally.

September 02, 2009

The Importance of Being Earnest

People get unhappy, so bear with me once in a while as I try to understand the human nature and understand its ferociousness and cunning ways.

It is upsetting to see insincerity.
No doubt I'm not the most sincere and earnest person ever;
No doubt there was once a time where I was naive and believed stupid things;
No doubt in life, everybody is not perfect.

Sincerity when making friends merely means you overlook a person's flaws when you choose to befriend him or her.

If you are really sincere about befriending someone, do not judge. That is Rule Number One.
Use that piece of sincerity, get to know a person and figure out his or her true colours (whether good or bad) and then only decide. There's no point in looking at the surface, rather what should be done is look deep beneath.

For example.
There's this rocky mountain which you want to scale and climb and reach the peak.
Plenty of people say that the mountain is dangerous, but there's no scientific evidence that says that.

So the choice is yours, really.
To climb, and enjoy the scenery at the top, proud that you decided to not conform, not believe unproven things?

Or to choose and listen to what other people say, in the end regretting because you never got to know the mountain?

Its the same when befriending people, really.

Be sincere. Talk to a person, have fun with a person, make friends with a person, rather than listen to what others say and probably miss out on a great friendship.

Of course, in the end there will be a possibility of the person being really wicked, but think about it. Which is worse? Losing a friend, or missing out on a friend?

So what I've said is don't judge before knowing, and learn to trust.
Life is all about not being judgemental and trusting, anyway.