November 28, 2009

Whose Side Are You On?

Anyone who knows me well enough would know I'm a sucker for hot abs.
Male abs of course =.=

I'm quite a Twilight fan as well. (Read carefully: Twilight, not the whole Twilight saga) I hated the New Moon book and stopped reading halfway. I never touched Eclipse and Breaking Dawn either. Because I believe nothing beats Twilight.

But obviously, to keep myself updated I went and catch the movie lah =.= I don't want to be a loser when all my friends go 'HOMG DID YOU SEE JACOB BLACK AR HOT CAN DIE!!' and I'll go 'oh no I didn't watch.' What if my friends think I'm so weird and don't want to befriend me anymore T.T

Ever since the whole Twilight craze, there has been this constant question. Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

After watching New Moon, I finally have my answer.

How can this...

... compare to THIS?

Edward Cullen has the ugliest, most unattractive abs in the whole universe.
He'd be better off not having abs at all actually.
His abs are an insult to all abs everywhere else.
(Actually, it's not Edward, it's Robert Pattinson but who cares)

And Taylor Lautner on the other hand?
;) Juicy.


lloren. said...

Team Jacobb,
He is the hottest thing aliveee;)