November 01, 2009


So today was the All American Rejects concert! :) :) :)

I've always heard that AAR is one band that performs really well live, and yes I was not disappointed. They put on an awzum performance, and I still have Mona Lisa (When the World Comes Down) stuck in my head.

You can sit beside me when the world comes down,
If it doesn't matter, then just turn around.
You'll be my queen, and I'll be your clown,
you can sit beside me when the world comes down.

So it was really an enjoyable concert overall, except for the fact that some moments were ruined by some very very inconsiderate and mean people. :(

a) people who smoke during the concert.

For goodness sake lah right, you're in an area with a 10,000 strong crowd packed like sardines. Everyone is sweaty and stuffy and you have to go and make things worse by smoking your stupid cigarette. I generally do not have anything against smokers, but I think smoking like that in public when there's so many other non-smokers around you is just, crazy. Who do you think you are, really? Tyson Ritter's father? Or does the venue belong to your grandfather or something, for you to be puffing away taking your own sweet time while the crowd around you DIES from your smoke. I really only have one word for these people : Idiots.

I thank God I'm not the only one thinking like this. This dude right, he started smoking in the middle of the concert and all the people around him started banging him and shouting STOP IT LAH! STOP SMOKING! DUDE, GET A LIFE LAH! Hahaha I was pretty satisfied when the guy threw his cigarette away.

b) people who push and push and push and push and push their way relentlessly through the crowd just to make it to the front DURING THE CONCERT.

I am okay with people who try the get the best spots before the concert, because well it hasn't started and if you get a good place, good for you because you know how to hunt for good places! Sadly, some people who came in late or just didn't manage to get good seats come and squeeze here and there while everyone is trying to enjoy the concert! It gets reeeallly irritating especially when you just want to enjoy and jump and sway to the music then suddenly you feel squashed because someone is trying to push his way through.

At one point, I was so upset with this guy for squeezing through i just kicked him furiously over and over again. Ah, it felt good.

c) people who have no life and no standards whatsoever.

I saw with my own eyes how this group of people stole DSLR cameras from the media photographers and reporters. And they took more than one of the cameras. Worse, they didn't even bother to conceal what they just did. They took the things they stole, and just walked off. Which really pisses me off because, come on lah, the camera might mean money to you but it could mean a job to someone else alright? Why stoop to such low standards just for money? I was really upset at that time and that sort of disrupted my happy mood for awhile.

We wanted to see what we could do to solve the situation, but those thieves looked at us as if they will come after us with a parang if we say anything.

Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with such people.

p.s. after Aerobics session today, walking around at the Calvary Carnival and jumping to AAR's songs, i desperately need a really good foot massage. :(